Friday, March 11, 2011

The Year of Death

For me, this year has been a year of death. Some of you may know about how things have since last June. At that time I contemplated Mamaw and her long full life. Mamaw was incredible. She saw so many things in her life and so much change that I can't begin to understand. Then I was challenged by the drastic change in life in my friend Peter. I was struck to consider what it would be like to have an impact as a young person. At this point I still didn't really think about life as a whisp of vapor. And then Daniel went home. And then Josh. And then Taylor. For me these three each affected me. However with one following the other in succession, and with each being such a young and vibrant life, I have left to wonder why at times. But more often I wonder what I am meant to be doing. These three young men each had a vibrant and important impact on my life. They still do now. And sometimes I wonder what they are feeling now that they are part of the Great Cloud of Witnesses. I wistfully wait for the day I can go home. 
But now, I think of something else as well. Earlier this week I learned about the death of my Great Uncle Bruce. Uncle Bruce was quite a character and also an older man. What struck me though was the fact that I am not secure in my knowledge of what happened to him. This has struck another chord. Something that I probably should have been more concerend with all along. What about the lost? What about the unredeemed?
I don't know if this is some kind of new feeling that I have, or more of a different way of thinking about things, but I am suddenly concerend about what I can do to reach them. It's as if I am now thinking about things slightly differently. I want to try and make an impact so that I can help people. I want to point to Jesus. But I know that I am not the best representation of Him or His love.
The world is dying, and people need Jesus. I must be about His business.
"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die;" - Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
But those who live in Christ have hope. For we have been purchased with the Blood of Christ, and we are redeemed. Because of this I can take comfort in knowing of God's Love and Soverignty. I can say:
"O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?" - 1 Corinthians 15:55

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